

The faith-based non profit organization we are interning for the summer is called Makarios. The name means blessed in Greek!
And the idea is that because we are very blessed (with salvation) we want to bless others so they may ask for the hope that is in us!
ESL classes, VBS, Soccer camps or even school during the whole year are blessings easy to identify. Our "blessed" status could also be easily mistaken. One can think, because we are so materially blessed we come to share a better lifestyle, a better opportunity for them to get a job.
But if this was our goal we would be changing nothing!
Better is one person with nothing who knows Christ, than a person who has a job, family, a rich inheritance, health, or anything else they could ask for and doesn't trust in God for their salvation!

It is when you start to know the kids and the families that live in the Baty's (haitian villages) who know Christ when you see that they are truly blessed also. Having Christ is the only blessing we need. Knowing Him as a personal savior is the only difference between someone with true joy and someone happy. It is the only difference between "us" (me and other brothers and sisters in Christ in the DR) and Dominicans who don't trust in God.
True Joy is the irresistible blessing we come to spread among the villages.
There is no "gain" for us, there is only sweat, depraving of priviledges we are used to, heat, uncomfortable transportation, etc.
But because we have been eternally blessed, we want to see others makarios too!

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