
First Impressions (in the Dominican Republic)

After a few months of preparation, prayer, learning about the country and about a biblical view of missions, now we have been able to see and experience what we had signed for in this internship.

When I first jumped into this country and started to visit the three main villages we were going to be working at for the rest of the summer I noticed several interesting factors about the culture.

Culture can be a huge factor of how well the work that one is trying to accomplish is received. In our case was soccer camps and ESL classes for adults.
Some of the special features that I will point out from the Dominican Republic aren't all negative, and I just want to clarify that I also saw many good things in this country. It is very rich in traditions, they like to enjoy life fully, they are very sharing and are ready for visitors all the time!
Since every culture has good and bad, I also noticed some things I didn't like as much:
  • everything and everyone is raised in the wild, even domestic dogs! Let me explain a little. Kids rule themselves all day long. They run around free with no one to model order for them. They grow like the wild flowers. Street dogs are made into domestic dogs, but still look like street dogs because no one cares for it!
  • it is a very sexual society. In a different way than in the US. It is not glamorous or in fancy billboards; it is just part of common life. some parents take their kids to the clubs with them so it is just common knowledge for the kids.
  • racism. between Haitians and Dominicans. Between islanders and americans. if you are different it is a good enough reason for people to treat you differently.
These and many other first impressions were shaping my thoughts about this country and the people that I was meeting.
But after reminding myself that God takes care even of the wild flowers and the birds. I know that He according to His goodness and His plan, He takes care of people.
Being reminded of this truth has helped me while wrestling with poverty/ injustice specifically in the DR.
Compassion, love, care and interest for others cannot be stained with short-sightedness, or else it would be hopeless care, hopeless compassion...

I am not saying that it has become easy every time I meet a new kid running around on the road with just a shirt on knowing that his parents dont really care where that kid is during the day, but God provides a compassion that is originated in Him and that allows me to trust in Him for the results in their lives! Also I trust that the work He has us do in that place will be to honor Him and will impact their souls more than their lives.
Even if my students don't learn perfect english by the end of the summer, or if they still can't get a job; but if they were able to see God's love in action, and the gospel touched their hearts it was a job well done!

I am glad for the second glance He has allowed me to have at this culture! I have hope in the work He is doing here because I see people's lives changed from the inside-out, not merely in the outward appearance!

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